Deep Transitions project SEMINAR 1: Introduction to the Project, Deep Transitions, Wellbeing and Sustainability

Johan Schot (Utrecht University) & Harry Lintsen (Eindhoven University of Technology) 8th October 2021 13.00-14.30 We are excited to announce that the first in a series of six seminars on the Deep Transitions Netherlands project will take place on 8 October, organized within the framework of the Strategic Alliance between Utrecht University, TU Eindhoven and

Deep Transitions Seminar 2: Qualitatively researching meta-rules and systems Seminar

Bram Bouwens (UU) & Frank Veraart (TUe) November 5th 2021 13.00-14.30   After the first successful Deep Transitions Netherlands Project Seminar  we are looking forward to continue discussing the Deep Transitions project in the Netherlands with you. The seminar series facilitate the development of a research program on deep transitions in the past and in the future. The seminars are meant to inform, to discuss and to get your feedback

Mini-workshop Global History of Technology and Sustainability

DUE TO THE DUTCH COVID SITUATION, WE WILL MOVE THIS WORKSHOP ONLINE On Monday 15 November 2021, we will host a small workshop on the Global History of Technology and Sustainability. The workshops explores issues and challenges related to our new research project Global Sustainability: Past--Present--Future, and draws on the experiences of the Global History

Student symposium: Historical Transition Studies

DUE TO THE DUTCH COVID SITUATION, WE WILL MOVE THIS SYMPOSIUM ONLINE TU/e Symposium on Historical Transition Studies Location: Atlas 1.65 --> ONLINE   Sustainable innovation and transitions are deeply temporal phenomena. Innovation choices of one generation affect the needs of later ones. Sociotechnical transitions too are long-term processes that may take decades to unfold,

Joint SHOT-HSS Annual Meeting

New Orleans

18-21 November 2021 the joint SHOT-HSS Annual Meeting will take place in New Orleans (Louisiana). Society for the History of Technology Annual Meeting New Orleans, 19-21 N0vember 2021     Dear SHOT Members and contacts, The SHOT Program Committee is pleased to issue the Call for Papers and Sessions for the SHOT 2021 Annual Meeting,

Deep Transitions Netherlands Project Seminar 3: Quantitatively Researching Meta-rules and Systems

Gaston Heimeriks and Johan Schot (Utrecht University) Friday 10 December 2021, 13:00 – 14:30 Link to Zoom Meeting: Abstract: Industrial societies are constituted by a broad range of socio-technical systems fulfilling functions such as the provision of energy, food, mobility, housing, healthcare, finance and communications. The Deep Transitions (DT) framework outlines a series of propositions

Deep Transitions Netherlands Project Seminar 4: Meta-rule dynamics and Interconnections between Systems

Organizers:Erik van der Vleuten and Harry Lintsen (TUE) Friday January 14th 2022 Zoom Meeting Abstract: Industrial societies are constituted by a broad range of socio-technical systems fulfilling functions such as the provision of energy, food, mobility, housing, healthcare, finance and communications. The Deep Transitions (DT) framework outlines a series of propositions on how the 250-year

Deep Transitions Netherlands project seminar 6: Well-being and Deep Transitions

Organizers: Jan Pieter Smits, Frank Veraart and Harry Lintsen (Eindhoven University of Technology and CBS) Friday 11 March 2022, 13:00 – 14:30 Via Zoom Abstract The main question of this seminar is: Deep Transition theory is focused on dynamics but not on impact on sustainability/well-being; how do we gain knowledge on quality of life in

Deep Transitions Netherlands Project Seminar 7: Transformative investment

Organizers: Johan Schot (Centre for Global Challenges, Utrecht University) and Sjoerd Bakker (Dasym) 13:00 – 14:30 Location: Zoom Abstract The final seminar in the series Deep Transitions in the Netherlands focuses on transformative investing. The financial world plays an important role in transforming human societies. But how can public and private investors best be mobilized

Online seminar series: Global Matters III: Non-Eurocentric Histories and Futures of Technology and Sustainability

On Wednesday April 6, we kick off a short series of online discussion seminar series on Global Matters III: Non-Eurocentric Histories and Futures of Technology and Sustainability. The series will run from April to June 2022, leading up to our stringed sessions at the 10th Tensions of Europe Conference in Aarhus. Animesh Chatterjee (TU Darmstadt),

Conference and launch of the Deep Transitions Netherlands Research Program

One-day conference and launch of the Deep Transitions Netherlands Research Program: Date: Friday 20 May 2022   THE DEEP TRANSITIONS NETHERLANDS PROJECT In the Deep Transitions in the Netherlands Project, the Eindhoven History Lab collaborates with researchers from Utrecht and Wageningen Universities to analyze the sociotechnical development of the Netherlands from a long-term perspective, and