Inaugural lecture prof. dr. Anique Hommels (Maastricht University)

On September 13 2024, Anique Hommels will accept the Foundation SHT special chair in "Sociohistorical Technology Studies with a focus on Urban Sustainable Sociotechnical Transformations" at the Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen (FASoS) of Maastricht University. The title of the lecture: “Transforming Cities in Times of Turmoil – Obduracy, Sustainability and Experimentation”.   Watch online     

TRANSFORMATIONS 11th Tensions of Europe Conference (Frankfurt Oder/ Poznan, 19-21 September 2024)

CfP Conference website We live in a world of constant change. There are periods, however, of accelerated change in the political, economic, social or technological sphere. Usually, these spheres are closely interrelated and entangled. If this change is of fundamental character, scientists usually speak of ´transformations´. Common examples are the political and economic system changes,