SHOT ANNUAL MEETING: Empire, Globalization, and Technological Change (New Orleans)
Empire, Globalization, and Technological Change SHOT Annual Meeting New Orleans 10-13 November 2022
CONFERENCE Technology and Material Culture in African History (Dar es Salaam)
Dar es SalaamTechnology and Material Culture in African History: Challenges and Potentials for Research and Teaching An international conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, January 4 – 8, 2023 Call for Papers and Roundtables The conference seeks to consolidate and foster the further development of history of technology and material culture in Africa. By gathering scholars from Tanzania
WORKSHOP: Global sustainability pasts/ presents/ futures II
The Foundation SHT & the Eindhoven History lab organize the second workshop on Global sustainability pasts/ presents/ futures at 19 January 2023. Program: TBA
Seminar with Ginevra Sanvitale
History lab Atlas 9320From chicken fiat to chicken nuggets. Notes on gender, technology and poultry processing in 20th century Italy (1920s-1990s) Research Seminar – Eindhoven History Lab (Atlas 9320) June 8th 2023, 10:45-12:00 10:45-10:50 Introduction. Erik van der Vleuten, Eindhoven History Lab 10:50-11:10 From chicken fiat to chicken nuggets. Notes on gender, technology and poultry processing
ICOHTEC 50th Conference in Estonia, August 14-18, 2023
ICOHTEC's 50th Conference will be organized in Estonia at August 14-18, 2023 Topic: INTERDEPENDENCIES. FROM LOCAL MICROSTORIES TO GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY Call for Papers (deadline for submissions is 15th January 2023) More information: Please check the ICOHTEC site
CONFERENCE 12th Biennial European Society for Environmental History Conference
The 12th Biennial European Society for Environmental History Conference (Bern, August 22-26, 2023) will have as its conference theme: Mountains and Plains: Past, present and future environmental and climatic entanglements Conference website:
CONFERENCE: Les historiographies nationales des techniques. Au cœur de l’épistémologie en histoire globale des techniques
EHV's Erik van der Vleuten will present the opening keynote. Conference program link
CONFERENCE SHOT Annual Meeting (Long Beach CA, 25-29 October 2023)
This year, our SHOT secretariat will again co-organize the annual meeting of the Society for the History Of Technology. CfP: For the 2023 Annual Meeting, the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) will convene at the historic meeting place of land, sea, wetlands, and built worlds that is Long Beach, California. Shaped by histories
10th GEWINA Woudschoten conference
The 10th Gewina’s Woudschoten conference will be organized 21-22 June 2024 from Rotterdam (medical history group from Erasmus MC and historians of the EUR). Conference theme: ‘Ecology & Economy: History of Knowledge during the Unequal Anthropocene’.
REPARANDO: Joint SHOT/ ICOHTEC annual conference in Santiago de Chile
EHL and SHT will participate in and co-organize the joint annual conference of the Society for History of Technology SHOT and The International Committee for the History of Technology ICOHTEC in Viña del Mar (near Santiago de Chile) on July 8-14, 2024. This will the first time that either society meets on the South American
Joint meeting EASST-4S 2024
AmsterdamThe 11th quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) takes place in the Netherlands. It is is hosted by the Athena Institute at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), with witch the EHL collaborates e.g. in the Soy Stories project. STS
World Congress of Environmental History 2024 in Oulu
From 19 to 23 August, the World Congress of Environmental History will be held at the University of Oulu. The conference theme is “Transitions, Transformations and Transdisciplinarity: Histories beyond History”, emphasizing both the arc of time and the importance of bringing diverse approaches to bear on contemporary problems. WCEH2024 will illuminate the value of historical understandings