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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the 47th Annual Meeting of ICOHTEC in Eindhoven took place virtually from 15-17 July 2020. The program offered an innovative mix of traditional and new session formats, plenary sessions, round tables, and social events. All contributions addressed the symposium theme ‘A History of Technology for an Age of Crisis’.

We thank all participants for their contributions! On the password protected part of this website you will be able to watch the recorded plenary and parallel sessions until 9 August 2020.

Sławomir Łotysz, President of ICOHTEC
Stefan Poser, Secretary General of ICOHTEC
Erik van der Vleuten, Jan Korsten, and Angelique Brons-Bakker, Local Organizing Committee Eindhoven


Conference website: https://icohtec2020eindhoven.org/

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