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Bram Bouwens (UU) & Frank Veraart (TUe)

November 5th 2021



After the first successful Deep Transitions Netherlands Project Seminar  we are looking forward to continue discussing the Deep Transitions project in the Netherlands with you. The seminar series facilitate the development of a research program on deep transitions in the past and in the future. The seminars are meant to inform, to discuss and to get your feedback on proposed ideas during the break-out sessions.

The second online seminar will take place on November 5th. This seminar will focus on qualitative research methods of socio-technical systems and meta-rules.  The purpose of this seminar is to introduce preliminary ideas on the topic and to start the debate on how we can use historical research to understand the first Deep Transitions, in order to inform the second Deep Transition in the making.

The slides of the seminar and a summary of the conversation topics and other relevant material can be found at the seminar series website. Access to these materials require signing up to the meetings by e-mail to Louisa King



13.00-13.10       Welcome and Introduction to Deep Transitions Program

13.10-13.30       Deep Transitions in the Netherlands: qualitative research (Bram Bouwens and Frank Veraart

13.30-13.35       Introduction to Break-out sessions

13.35-13.55       Break-out session 1 (3 rooms)

13.55-14.20       Break-out session 1 (3 rooms)

14.20-14.30       Plenary: summaries and discussion

14.30                  Closing


In the Deep Transitions in the Netherlands Project, the Eindhoven History Lab collaborates with researchers from Utrecht and Wageningen Universities to analyze the sociotechnical development of the Netherlands from a long-term perspective, and to simultaneously develop system transformation investments strategies for policy makers, industries and investors.

More info: see here. 

EHL contact person: Frank Veraart

PHASE 1 Seminar schedule

  • October 8th 2021: Introduction to The Project, Deep Transitions, Wellbeing and Sustainability with Johan Schot (UU) & Harry Lintsen (TUe)
  • November 5th 2021: Qualitatively Researching Meta-rules and Systems with Bram Bouwens (UU) & Frank Veraart (TUe)
  • December 10th 2021: Quantitatively Researching Meta-rules and Systems with Johan Schot (UU) & Gaston Heimeriks (UU)
  • January 14th 2022: Interconnections between Systems with Harry Lintsen (TUe) & Erik van der Vleuten (TUe)
  • February 11th 2022: Deep Transitions, Wellbeing and Sustainability Dynamics with Jan-Pieter Smits (TUE/CBS) & Harry Lintsen (TUe)
  • March 11th 2022: The Second Deep Transition in the Making with Barbara van Mierlo (WUR) & Laurens Klerkx (WUR)
  • March 25th 2022: Transformative Investing in the Netherlands with Johan Schot (UU) & Bram Bouwens (UU)

The Deep Transitions Netherlands Project has been supported by Dasym Investment Strategies and the Utrecht University, TU Eindhoven, WUR and UMC Strategic Alliance.

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