TEACHING the historical and socio-technical dynamics of engineering, sustainable innovation, and societal transitions
We teach in the TU/e B.Sc. program Sustainable Innovation and the M.Sc. program Innovation Sciences, both coordinated by the TU/e Technology, Innovation and Society group of which we are part. We also teach in the User-Society-Enterprise (USE) program in the TU/e Bachelor College, including the course ‘USE-base: Ethics and History of technology’ that is mandatory to all 1st year TU/e students.
We are currently in the process of establishing an interuniversity minor program on Sustainability Transitions in Past and Present.
A future ambition is to develop, together with colleagues abroad, a global course with teachers and students on all continents.
Our textbook on engineering and societal challenges ca. 1800-today has reached over 10.000 engineering students in Eindhoven and elsewhere.