Grand Challenges

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SPECIAL ISSUE Entangling technological infrastructures, material flows and environmental modernities

Guest editors: Stathis Arapostathis & Frank Veraart ICON Vol. 28.1 (2023): 1-179 Stathis Arapostathis and Frank Veraart Introduction: Entangling Technological Infrastructures, Material Flows and Environmental Modernities, p. 9-23 John Martin British Agricultural Revolutions: The Dissemination and Assimilation of More Productive Methods, p. 24-47 Show abstract   Sotiris Alexakis and Stathis Arapostathis From Exploitation

SPECIAL ISSUE: Science, Technology & Socio-ecological Change in the Postcolonial Anthropocene

This Special Issue is a key publication of our Global Sustainability History project GREASE. It is inspired by a workshop we organized in Lisbon in 2019, which was designed as an engagement between specialists on histories of technology & the environment in various continents. EHL's Erik van der Vleuten co-edited the si and co-authored the

FORUM: History and Technology in an Age of ‘Grand Challenges’

Forum: History and Technology in an Age of 'Grand Challenges' Technology and Culture Vol. 61.1 (2020): 260-332 Erik van der Vleuten (guest editor), Karena Kalmbach, Andreas Marklund, Anna Åberg, Matthias Heymann, Per Högselius, Elena Kochetkova, John Martin, Ole Sparenberg, Frank Veraart, Ute Hasenöhrl, Jan-Henrik Meyer, Frank Schipper, Martin Emanuel, Ruth Oldenziel,

2021-08-18T15:35:34+02:00April 20th, 2020|Grand Challenges, Publications|

Europe’s infrastructure transition: economy, war, nature

Europe’s infrastructure transition: economy, war, nature Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. (2016), 454 p. Högselius, P., Kaijser, A. & van der Vleuten, E. Europe's infrastructure both united and divided peoples and places via economic systems, crises, and wars. Some used transport, communication, and energy infrastructure to supply food, power, industrial products,

2021-03-30T11:47:25+02:00January 7th, 2016|Energie, Grand Challenges, Infrastructure, Mobility, Publications|
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