Global History

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ARTICLE From Kenya with Love… The Telecoupled Rose System, 1920–2020

Authors: Klara Strecker, Frank Veraart In: ICON Vol. 28.1 (2023): 77-104   This article presents a transnational history of entangled rose trade. Building on notions of sustainability telecoupling, and transnational history literature, it investigates the historical (dis)entanglement process between Kenya and the Netherlands. It aims to go beyond the common supply side focus to tell

2023-12-30T13:03:29+01:00December 30th, 2023|Global History, Publications|

SPECIAL ISSUE Entangling technological infrastructures, material flows and environmental modernities

Guest editors: Stathis Arapostathis & Frank Veraart ICON Vol. 28.1 (2023): 1-179 Stathis Arapostathis and Frank Veraart Introduction: Entangling Technological Infrastructures, Material Flows and Environmental Modernities, p. 9-23 John Martin British Agricultural Revolutions: The Dissemination and Assimilation of More Productive Methods, p. 24-47 Show abstract   Sotiris Alexakis and Stathis Arapostathis From Exploitation

ARTICLE Sustainability’s “Other”: Coming to Terms with the Electric Rickshaw in Bangladesh

van der Straeten, Jonas. 2022. Sustainability’s “Other”: Coming to Terms with the Electric Rickshaw in Bangladesh. Historical Social Research 47 (4): 139-167. doi: 10.12759/hsr.47.2022.42. Abstract: The transition from fossil fuel-powered to electric mobility is widely discussed as a trajectory towards more efficient, affordable, and sustainable transport infrastructure. Widely ignored in academia, this transition has occurred

2022-12-23T13:44:49+01:00December 23rd, 2022|Energie, Global History, Mobility, Publications, Sustainability|

BOOK CHAPTER Regional sustainability hi/stories: Crisis narratives from the Dutch soyacene

Soyacene hi-stories You can also find the Chapter and the Book online: Chapter: Book: Abstract: This chapter argues that a global environmental history of the Soyacene must not only study sustainability issues produced at sites of soy cultivation (notably in the Americas) and trade, but also those at sites of soy consumption. We

CHAPTERS: Nog meer wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland (Amsterdam: Ambo Anthos, 2022)

This project, inspired by the Histoire mondiale de la France published in 2017, seeks to place Dutch history in global perspective. EHL finds it important that the history of technology and sustainability is represented. EHL researchers contributed the following chapters: 1872: Nederlandse waterstaat naar Japan en China (Eric Berkers) 1924: Strijd om de plek van

2022-10-17T12:06:20+02:00October 17th, 2022|Global History, Publications|

SPECIAL ISSUE: Science, Technology & Socio-ecological Change in the Postcolonial Anthropocene

This Special Issue is a key publication of our Global Sustainability History project GREASE. It is inspired by a workshop we organized in Lisbon in 2019, which was designed as an engagement between specialists on histories of technology & the environment in various continents. EHL's Erik van der Vleuten co-edited the si and co-authored the

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