

Technology & Culture 2023, Volume 64, No. 1 now published

Our Technology & Culture publishing team now published issue 64.1! Congrats team :)   Read the latest research and book reviews in Technology and Culture! January 2023, Volume 64, No. 1 On The Cover On the Cover: Reading Ordinary Photographs | Scott Kushner Research Articles Controlling Crowds: On the Technological Management of Entertainment Audiences |

2023-02-22T16:43:01+01:00February 22nd, 2023|News|

NWO-funded project Soy Stories has formally started

On February 1 2023, the Soy Stories project has formally started. We have assembled a great team! On February 1 we welcomed Nathaly Yumi da Silva as a new colleague at TU/e and Sjamme van de Voort at VU; Caroline Kreysel will start soon. More info will follow on our website (under construction).

2023-02-20T18:16:58+01:00February 20th, 2023|News|

Annual Meeting SHOT in New Orleans

The Foundation SHT, which also acts as the secretariat of the Society for the History of technology SHOT, was again instrumental in making the Annual Meeting (in New Orleans this time)  a success. Special thanks to Jan, Sonja, Jeroen and Henk!   Empire, Globalization, and Technological Change SHOT Annual Meeting 2022 New Orleans, 10-13 November

2022-11-23T20:50:52+01:00November 23rd, 2022|News|

Ginevra Sanvitale’s PhD thesis defended with Cum Laude

On Wednesday October 19, Ginevra Sanvitale defended her PhD thesis Technopolitical Resonance: Emotions, computers and socialism in Cold War Italy (1965-1990) with Cum Laude. The committee was highly impressed by the thesis's empirical, conceptual and methodological originality, its eloquence, and its (political) punch - and by the  informed and disciplined responses to the committee's questions.

2022-10-24T14:58:56+02:00October 24th, 2022|News|

Nog meer Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland presented at IISG

Last Friday (14 October), the new volume Nog meer Wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland (Amsterdam: Ambo Anthos, 2022) was presented at the International Institute of Social History IISG in Amsterdam. The volume will be available in Dutch bookstores from 20 October. This project, inspired by the Histoire mondiale de la France published in 2017, places Dutch history

2022-10-17T12:12:21+02:00October 17th, 2022|News|

VACANCIES: PhD and Postdoc positions for SOY STORIES

Please find several job announcements for our new project SOY STORIES: Connected sustainability histories and futures of the global Soyacene, a collaboration of the History Lab (TU Eindhoven), Athena Institute (VU Amsterdam), and the Soy Observatory (UFFS Brazil): PhD POSITION: “SOY STORIES: Brazilian histories and futures of soy & (un)sustainability” ( PHD POSITION: “SOY STORIES:

2022-10-24T15:31:57+02:00October 7th, 2022|News|

Course in Historical Transition Studies started again

This week the new semester has started. For our M.Sc. program Innovation Sciences students, this includes a course on Modern Societies in Transition: An introduction to historical transition studies. Frank Veraart, Klara Strecker, Jonas van der Straeten and Erik van der Vleuten (responsible) participate as teachers.

2022-10-07T15:05:18+02:00September 7th, 2022|News|

Two new research projects awarded by NWO

The Dutch scientific research funder NWO awarded two new projects in the Open Competition round. Both projects contribute to the broader program  Global Sustainability: Past(s) Present(s) Future(s) that we have been developing over the past year together with our partners.   The projects are: Sustainability trade-offs in the Netherlands’ entangled modernisation, 1900-2020. Frank Veraart, Jan-Pieter

2022-07-19T15:48:32+02:00July 19th, 2022|News|

Forthcoming book: Global History of Techniques

Several EHL scholars contributed to this forthcoming book:   It is impossible to understand societies without looking at their technological underpinnings. Technology constitutes the very fabric of societies' political, economic, cultural, and everyday realities. Building on recent historiography, this book offers the first overview of the global history of contemporary technology. Gathering more than fifty

2022-07-18T13:12:03+02:00July 18th, 2022|News|
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