

Successful kick-off event of the new 4TU.History of Technology centre

A group of sixty early career and established historians and other colleagues from universities, knowledge institutions and museums gathered in the old main post-office (Neude11) in Utrecht on Friday, December 6, for the first annual symposium of the 4TU.History of Technology centre. They had been invited by EHL's Jan Korsten (Managing director) and Erik van der Vleuten (scientific

2024-12-10T12:18:13+01:00December 10th, 2024|News|

Technology and Culture 2024.4 now published

We congratulate the EHL TC team --Ruth Oldenziel, Hermione Giffard, Dick van Lente, Henk-Jan Dekker, Maliene Kip and Michael Keith -- with the publication of yet another great volume!     We are proud to present the latest issue of  Technology and Culture edited here in Eindhoven with the latest research and book reviews!  Technology

2024-11-05T11:49:37+01:00November 5th, 2024|News|

ToE12 will be hosted and organized by us!

Last week, the Frankfurt Oder/ Slubice team hosted another very inspiring and successfull Tensions of Europe conference--the 11th biennial conference ToE11 of the European history of technology community. EHL staff organized a number of sessions, paper-based sessions as well as roundtables and a workshop, and gave a number of papers. The Saturday evening party, as

2024-09-24T17:55:31+02:00September 24th, 2024|News|

Anique Hommels inauguration: New professor in sociohistorical technology studies

On 13 September 2024, Anique Hommels held her inaugural lecture as  SHT endowed  professor in sociohistorical technology studies at Maastricht University, focusing on urban transformations in times of turmoil. On behalf of the EHL in-house Foundation SHT, which sponsors the endowed chair, Erik van der Vleuten and Jan Korsten participated. Prior to the inaugural lecture,

2024-09-23T17:48:12+02:00September 23rd, 2024|News|

Technology & Culture 65.3 is now published!

We congratulate our Technology & Culture team with publishing yet another impressive journal issue! View in your browser Read the latest research, essays, and book reviews in Technology and Culture!   We are proud to present to you the next issue of Technology and Culture, the leading journal in the history of technology; we draw on scholarship

2024-08-19T18:48:32+02:00August 19th, 2024|News|

Global History of Techniques now published.

The majestic Global Histories of Techniques (19th-21st Centuries) is now published. We congratulate the editors and the authors for this major accomplishment in the fields. From EHL, Jonas van der Straeten and Erik van der Vleuten contributed a book chapter each. In section 1, the world tour of techniques: Pluralizing‘Eurocentric’ Technology Discourses ‘Back Home’: Technology

2024-06-12T17:33:24+02:00June 12th, 2024|News|

Technology & Culture 65.2 now published!

CONGRATS to our TC team for publishing again a wonderful issue! see below.   Read the latest research, essays, and book reviews in Technology and Culture! If you haven’t seen it already, we are proud to present to you the next issue of Technology and Culture, the leading journal in the history of technology, with a special

2024-06-12T17:23:36+02:00June 12th, 2024|News|

PHD DISSERTATION Het verstandshuwelijk van fiets en trein

Jan Ploeger, Het verstandshuwelijk van fiets en trein: Kansrijke ketenmobiliteit sinds 1900 (TUE, 2024). Link page Back flap: In de zoektocht naar een alternatief voor de auto geldt steeds vaker de combinatie van de flexibele fiets met het snelle treinvervoer tussen compacte 15-minuten steden als kansrijke oplossing. Het Verstandshuwelijk van fiets en trein beschrijft het

2024-04-26T15:44:48+02:00April 26th, 2024|Mobility, News, Publications|
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