April 2024, Volume 65, No. 2

On the Cover

On the Cover: La Gente, Controllers of the Universe | Peter Soland



Debate: Seeds, Dams, and Khipus | Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar, Diego Cerna-Aragon, and Eden Medina


Research Articles

Everyday Resistance to White Supremacy: Walking and Cycling while Black in Springs, South Africa, 1950s–1970s | Njogu Morgan


Tropicalizing the Portable Radio: Electronics and the U.S. Military’s Battle against Fungi in the Pacific War | Boyd Ruamcharoen


Seeds of the Settler Colony: How Peasant and Kazakh Knowledge, Environment, and Bureaucracy Shaped Steppe Agronomy in the Late Russian Empire | John B. Seitz



Research Articles: Special Section Latin America

Fragile Foundations: Tracing Argentina’s Semiconductor Saga Amidst Institutional Turmoil | Fernanda A. Soca and Mariana E. Di Bello


Dreaming of a Bright Future: Statistics, Disaster, and the Birth of Energopolitics in 1930s Chile | Mónica Huméres and Magdalena Gil


Revolution and Resistance in the Desert: The Guggenheim System’s Impact on Nitrate Mining and Society in Atacama, 1926-31 | Damir Galaz-Mandakovic and Francisco Rivera


Water, Wealth, and Engineering Wisdom: Shaping Tucumán’s Agricultural Future, 1890–1910 | Carlos Salvador Dimas



Engineering History in Latin America: A Review of Spanish-Language Books | J. Justin Castro


Public History

How to Design a (Cybernetic) Revolution: Chileans Remember Salvador Allende’s Techno-Utopian Project | José Ragas



Book Reviews: Special Section Latin America

Review of La ciudad en movimiento. Estudios históricos sobre transporte colectivo y movilidad en Santiago de Chile, siglos XIX y XX edited by Símon Castillo and Marcelo Mardones | Rodrigo Booth


Review of El sol al servicio de la humanidad. Historia de la energía solar en Chile edited by Mauricio Osses, Cecilia Ibarra, and Bárbara Silva | Diego Arango López


Review of Con los pies en el surco. Instituciones estatales y actores de la ciencia agropecuaria en La Pampa (1958–1983) by Federico Martocci | María Cecilia Zuleta


Review of Conjuring the State: Public Health Encounters in Highland Ecuador by A. Kim Clark | Jasmine Gideon


Review of Living with Algorithms: Agency and User Culture in Costa Rica by Ignacio Siles | Mónica Humeres


Review of Fueling Mexico: Energy and Environment, 1850–1950 by Germán Vergara and Electrifying Mexico: Technology and the Transformation of a Modern City by Diana J. Montaño | Helge Wendt


Review of ¡Alerta! Engineering on Shaky Ground by Elisabeth Reddy | Magdalena Gil


Review of El pensamiento sobre la técnica en México edited by Irving Samadhi Aguilar Rocha and José Francisco Barrón Tovar | Israel G. Solares


Review of El pequeño intervencionista. Ayuntamiento, empresarios y regulación del mercado telefónico en la Ciudad de México, 1881-1915 by Víctor Cuchí Espada | Gisela Mateos


Review of Pensar las infraestructuras en Latinoamérica edited by Dhan Zunino Singh, Valeria Gruschetsky, and Melina Piglia | Mario Peters


Review of Wissen im Fluss. Der lateinamerikanische Staudammbau im 20. Jahrhundert als globale Wissensgeschichte by Frederik Schulze | Teresa Huhle


Review of Different Engines: Media Technologies From Latin America by Andrés Burbano | Edgar Gómez-Cruz



Book Reviews: Other Topics

Review of Lifelines of Our Society: A Global History of Infrastructures by Dirk Van Laak and translated by Erik Butler | Maria Paula Diogo


Review of Brown Skins, White Coats: Race Science in India, 1920–66 by Projit Bihari Mukharji and Medicine, Science, and Making Race in Civil War America by Leslie A. Schwalm and Masters of Health: Racial Science and Slavery in U.S. Medical Schools by Christopher D. E. Willoughby | Chanda Prescod-Weinstein


Review of Giving Bodies Back to Data: Image Makers, Bricolage and Reinvention in Magnetic Resonance Technology by Silvia Casini | Annie Patrick


Review of Labor’s End: How the Promise of Automation Degraded Work by Jason Resnikoff | Andrew L. Russell


Review of British Literature and Technology: 1600-1830 edited by Kristin M. Girten and Aaron Hanlon | Al Coppola


Review Transparency: The Material History of an Idea by Daniel Jütte | Kjetil Fallan


Review of The American Robot: A Cultural History by Dustin A. Abnet | Ben Russell


Review of Making Art Work: How Cold War Engineers and Artists Forged a New Creative Culture by W. Patrick McCray | John A. Tyson


Review of Edges of Exposure: Toxicology and the Problem of Capacity in Postcolonial Senegal by Noémi Tousignant | Akwasi Kwarteng Amoako-Gyampah


Review of A Ritual Geology: Gold and Subterranean Knowledge in Savanna West Africa by Robyn D’Avignon | Lorena Campuzano Duque


Review of Immeasurable Weather: Meteorological Data and Settler Colonialism from 1820 to Hurricane Sandy by Sara J. Grossman | Sara M.B. Simon


Review of Water and Agriculture in Colorado and the American West: First in Line for the Rio Grande by David Stiller | Amahia Mallea


Review of Le acque agitate della patria: L’industrializzazione del Piave (1882–1966) by Giacomo Bonan | Marco Bertilorenzi


Review of In a New Light: Histories of Women and Energy edited by Abigail Harrison Moore and Ruth W. Sandwell | Tijana Rupčić


Review of The Road to Socialism: Transport Infrastructure in socialist Bulgaria and Yugoslavia by Lyubomir Pozharliev | Nelly Bekus


Review of Il Canale di Suez e l’Italia (1856–1869) by Andrea Giuntini | Simone Fari


Review of China’s Space Programme: From the Era of Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping by S. Chandrashekar | Zhang Zhihui and Cheng Peng


Review of Radio for the Millions: Hindi-Urdu Broadcasting Across Borders by Isabel Huacuja Alonso | Pradip Ninan Thomas


Review of The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media by John Durham Peters | Timothy Stoneman


Review of The Theater of Electricity: Technology and Spectacle in the Late 19th Century by Ulf Otto | Sarah Kriger


Review of Balkan Cyberia: Cold War Computing, Bulgarian Modernization, and the Information Age Behind the Iron Curtain by Victor P. Petrov | Evgeniy Kandilarov


Review of Hacking Diversity: The Politics of Inclusion in Open Technology Cultures by Christina Dunbar-Hester | Maria B. Garda


Review of Words and Power: Computers, Language, and U.S. Cold War Values by Bernadette Longo | Kendall Giles


Review of Technology in Modern German History: 1800 to the Present by Karsten Uhl | Marcus Popplow


Review of European Objects: The Troubled Dreams of Harmonization by Brice Laurent | Yaman Kouli


Review of L’invention de la technologie: Une histoire intellectuelle avec André Leroi-Gourhan by Nathan Schlanger | Philippe Soulier


Review of Capital Científica: Práticas da Ciência em Lisboa e a História Contemporânea de Portugal edited by Tiago Saraiva and Marta Macedo | M. Luísa Sousa


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