Yearly Archives: 2024


Global History of Techniques now published.

The majestic Global Histories of Techniques (19th-21st Centuries) is now published. We congratulate the editors and the authors for this major accomplishment in the fields. From EHL, Jonas van der Straeten and Erik van der Vleuten contributed a book chapter each. In section 1, the world tour of techniques: Pluralizing‘Eurocentric’ Technology Discourses ‘Back Home’: Technology

2024-06-12T17:33:24+02:00June 12th, 2024|News|

Technology & Culture 65.2 now published!

CONGRATS to our TC team for publishing again a wonderful issue! see below.   Read the latest research, essays, and book reviews in Technology and Culture! If you haven’t seen it already, we are proud to present to you the next issue of Technology and Culture, the leading journal in the history of technology, with a special

2024-06-12T17:23:36+02:00June 12th, 2024|News|

PHD DISSERTATION Het verstandshuwelijk van fiets en trein

Jan Ploeger, Het verstandshuwelijk van fiets en trein: Kansrijke ketenmobiliteit sinds 1900 (TUE, 2024). Link page Back flap: In de zoektocht naar een alternatief voor de auto geldt steeds vaker de combinatie van de flexibele fiets met het snelle treinvervoer tussen compacte 15-minuten steden als kansrijke oplossing. Het Verstandshuwelijk van fiets en trein beschrijft het

2024-04-26T15:44:48+02:00April 26th, 2024|Mobility, News, Publications|

PODCAST Universiteit van Nederland: Waarom ons stikstofprobleem ooit een oplossing was

Podcast Universiteit van Nederland, no. 606. Erik van der Vleuten, Waarom ons stikstof-probleem ooit juist een oplossing was. Published on Spotify Open (April 3, 2024).   The podcast juxtaposes three very different narratives of what the problem is, where it comes from, how it could be solved, and who should solve it. Achtergrondpublicatie Nederlands: Erik

2024-04-03T12:13:18+02:00April 3rd, 2024|News|

Technology and Culture 65.1 (January 2024)

The EHL TC team is proud to present the next issue of Technology and Culture, the leading journal in the history of technology; we draw on scholarship from diverse disciplines and publish insightful pieces intended for general readers as well as specialists. ToC: January 2024, Volume 65, No. 1   On the Cover Showcasing China’s

2024-03-08T17:33:41+01:00March 8th, 2024|News, Publications|

Technology and Culture 65.1 now published!

View this email in your browser Read the latest research, essays, and book reviews in Technology and Culture!   We are proud to present the next issue of Technology and Culture, the leading journal in the history of technology; we draw on scholarship from diverse disciplines and publish insightful pieces intended for general readers as well as

2024-03-08T17:30:07+01:00March 8th, 2024|News|


EHL's Mila Davids and Erik van der Vleuten, as well as their highly appreciated colleague Henny Romijn, were honored by TU/e for their 25 years anniversary. EHL's Jan Korsten celebrated his 25 years anniversary (for the Foundation SHT, not TU/e) last January. And it turns out that emeritus associate professor Gijs Mom also started working

2024-03-08T17:40:05+01:00March 8th, 2024|News|
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