Monthly Archives: August 2024


Technology and Culture 65.3 (2024)

Our Technology and Culture team published yet another issue of the preeminent journal in the history of technology   View this email in your browser Read the latest research, essays, and book reviews in Technology and Culture!   We are proud to present to you the next issue of Technology and Culture, the leading journal in the

2024-08-19T18:49:41+02:00August 19th, 2024|Publications|

Technology & Culture 65.3 is now published!

We congratulate our Technology & Culture team with publishing yet another impressive journal issue! View in your browser Read the latest research, essays, and book reviews in Technology and Culture!   We are proud to present to you the next issue of Technology and Culture, the leading journal in the history of technology; we draw on scholarship

2024-08-19T18:48:32+02:00August 19th, 2024|News|
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