Monthly Archives: August 2023


Technology & Culture 64.3 (2023) now published!

We are proud to present the next issue of Technology and Culture, the leading journal in the history of technology; we draw on scholarship from diverse disciplines and publish insightful pieces intended for general readers as well as specialists. July 2023, Volume 64, No. 3   On the Cover Stamping Soviet Cosmonauts, Craft and Cosmos │Rachel Hill

2023-08-29T17:13:04+02:00August 29th, 2023|News|

Frank Veraart wins Sophie Coe Prize 2023 for food history

EHL's Frank Veraart is the winner of the Sophie Coe Prize 2023 for food history with his article: Frank Veraart, "Catalysing Socio-Ecological Change: The Extraction and Processing of Edible Oils, 1910–1940," Global Environment 15 (2022): 370–397. The paper presents the entangled history of the innovation of oil hardening and resource exploitation in the global south.

2023-08-23T17:00:49+02:00August 23rd, 2023|News|
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