We are very proud to announce that Gijs Mom (formerly EHL professor, now retired) has won the 2021 Book prize of the World History Association for his book

Globalizing Automobilism: Exuberance and the Emergence of Layered Mobility, 1900 – 1980 (Berghahn Books)

The World History Association Book Prize was created in 1999 to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of world history. In 2012, it was renamed in memory of Jerry H. Bentley and his significant contributions to the field of world history and the World History Association.

The jury (members: Erika Rappaport, John Thornton, and Anand Yang) concluded his book Globalizing Automobilism to be ‘magisterial in its account of car society and “layered mobility” across Africa, Asia, and Latin America’. The Committee also appreciated Gijs Mom’s ‘emphasis on the social and cultural effects and uses of the automobile in different world regions and your impressive command of a rich variety of source materials’.