Yearly Archives: 2020


BOOK CHAPTER Europe and Chernobyl

Europe and Chernobyl: Contested Localisations of the Accident’s Environmental, Political, Social and Cultural Impact In C. Wenkel, E. Bussière, A. Grisoni, & H. Miard-Delacroix (editors), The Environment and the European Public Sphere: Perceptions, Actors, Policies (blz. 54-69). White Horse Press. Namen van auteurs Was Chernobyl an accident in a

2020-12-08T15:05:28+01:00November 25th, 2020|Energie, Publications|

ARTICLE Sociotechnical agendas: Reviewing future directions for energy and climate research

Sociotechnical agendas: Reviewing future directions for energy and climate research Energy Research & Social Science 70 (2020): 1-35 Benjamin K. Sovacool, David J. Hess, … Erik van der Vleuten (+ 15) The field of science and technology studies (STS) has introduced and developed a “sociotechnical” perspective that has been

2020-12-09T11:14:14+01:00November 25th, 2020|Energie, Publications, Sustainability|

The energy transition at the KNHG 2020 Congress

On November 19, EHL staff Frank Veraart (speaker), Erik van der Vleuten (session chair) and Henk-Jan Dekker (session moderator assistance) participated in the energy transition session of this year's annual congress of the Koninklijk Nederlands Historisch Genootschap KNHG . The conference theme was "Meer dan menselijk verleden. Historici, Eco-geschiedenis, en Environmental humanities." Read more about

2020-12-07T12:28:00+01:00November 20th, 2020|News|

Workshop: resources & infrastructure in the postcolonial Anthropocene

On November 10-13 we co-organized an online workshop on resources & infrastructure in the postcolonial Anthropocene. The workshop was a late evening event for participants from India, and a very early morning event for Latin American colleagues :) The workshop papers are to be published in a special journal issue. (see also call for papers)

2020-12-07T12:28:59+01:00November 11th, 2020|News|

Soundscapes of Fear at Dutch Design Week

Karena Kalmbach was part of the online Dutch Design Week round table / live performance of the art project “Soundscapes of Fear” at the Temporary Art Centre in Eindhoven. Due to the Corona measures, the event was livestreamed on Youtube: SEE HERE. Don’t miss out on this year’s virtual version of the Dutch Design Week.

2020-11-30T11:19:03+01:00October 20th, 2020|News|

Praise for the first online ICOHTEC congress

In July the EHL organized the first online ICOHTEC annual conference due to Covid, which attracted roughly 140 participants despite the limitations of the digital format. After the conference, the ICOHTEC General Assembly evaluated the event. There was overwhelming praise for the technical workings and scientific quality of the conference, and for the EHL team's

2020-12-07T11:57:35+01:00August 3rd, 2020|News|

ARTICLE The sociotechnical roots of smart mobility: Bike sharing since 1965

The sociotechnical roots of smart mobility: Bike sharing since 1965 Journal of Transport History. 41, 2, p. 134-159 J. Ploeger, R. Oldenziel 1 Aug 2020 The search for “smart” or Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based mobility solutions goes back to at least the 1960s. The Provo anarchist Luud Schimmelpennink

2020-12-09T11:15:07+01:00August 1st, 2020|Mobility, Publications, Sustainability|

New contribution to the EHNE Digital Encyclopedia of European History

Erik van der Vleuten's contribution to the Material Civilization section of the online EHNE Digital Encyclopedia of European History was recently published here. Read more about this ambitious bi-lingual project (published in French and English) here.   Excerpt: The ‘European blackout’ of Saturday evening, 4 November 2006 was remarkable. In Northern Germany, close to the

2020-12-07T17:26:49+01:00July 14th, 2020|News|

Technology & Culture Forum on history, technology and societal challenges

Interesting reading for the upcoming ICOHTEC 2020 conference on Technology & Crises: Earlier this year, Technology & Culture published a Forum on ‘History and Technology in an Age of Grand Challenges.’ (Technology and Culture Volume 61, Number 1, January 2020, pp.260-332) Short description and ToC: In 2016 we formed a number of transnational working groups

2020-10-23T16:46:15+02:00July 13th, 2020|News|
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